<info>Charles V also reigned as king of Spain, as Charles I, 1516-1556.
// 17th century
#p <nat>German<o>composer<n>Johann Sebastian Bach<b>1685<d>1750
#e <t>war<n>Thirty Years' War<d>1618<e>1648<c>Germany<info>between Catholics and Protestants
// 18th century
#p <nat>German<o>poet<n>Johann von Goethe<sur>Goethe<b>1749<d>1832
#p <nat>German<o>composer<n>Ludwig van Beethoven<sur>Beethoven<b>1770 Dec 16<d>1827 Mar 26<c>Vienna
#p <nat>German<o>author<n>Jakob Grimm<b>1785<d>1863<c>Germany<info>Brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were philologists noted for their collection of fairy tales.
#p <nat>German<o>author<n>Wilhelm Grimm<b>1786<d>1859<c>Germany<info>Brothers Jakob and Wilhelm Grimm were philologists noted for their collection of fairy tales.
// 19th century
#p <nat>German<o>philo<n>Karl Marx<b>1818<d>1883
#p <nat>German<o>dictator<n>Adolf Hitler<b>1889 Apr 20<pow>1933<d>1945 May 5(1)<c>Berlin